Posted: 11-Jan-23
Location: New York, New York
Type: Full Time
Salary: 50,000-75,000
Academia, Research Laboratory
Job Function:
Years of Experience:
Preferred Education:
The Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory of the City College of the City University of New York (CCNY) invites applicants for a Post-doc/Research Associate position in Optical Sensing of the Marine Environment. Candidates with an expertise in satellite Ocean Color (OC) data processing, OC calibration/validation, atmospheric correction and development of algorithms for the retrieval of water properties are welcome. Familiarity with the vector radiative transfer of a coupled ocean/atmosphere system is very advantageous. Experience with field measurements of water parameters and/or instrument design is a significant plus.
The successful candidate will participate in several projects which include development of advanced algorithms for the retrieval of water properties, particle characteristics from polarimetric and hyperspectral data for the PACE mission, data analysis for OC (MODIS, VIIRS, OLCI) and high spatial resolution (Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI) satellite sensors, AERONET-OC, field experiments from the ships, ocean platforms and helicopters with the state of the art multi- and hyperspectral imagers in un-polarized and polarized modes and other sophisticated optical instruments, characterization of the ocean-atmosphere interface and detection of algal blooms. Student mentoring in the above areas, participation in laboratory experiments and field cruises, preparation of manuscripts, reports, and proposals for external funding will be also part of the assignment.
A PhD in Physics, Engineering or related scientific field. A combination of experimental and theoretical experience in the area of marine and/or atmospheric optics, strong simulation skills are required as is the ability to work and interact within a research team.
About City College of New York, Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory
The Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory at the City College of the City University of New York (CUNY) contains LIDAR and Ocean and Coastal groups. The purpose of the Ocean and Coastal ORS Lab is to monitor and investigate the optical properties of complex coastal areas as well as clear open ocean waters. This is accomplished with remotely-sensed data, received from operational and research satellites, observing platforms and in situ data. The ORS Lab involved in research projects includes (1) Tracking of Harmful Algal Blooms, (2) Multiangular Hyperspectral Polarimetry in Case I and Case II Waters, (3) Improvement of Algorithms for Remote Sensing for Oceanic and Coastal Areas, (4) Observing Platforms for Calibration and Validation of Satellite Oceanic Products.
Connections working at City College of New York, Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory
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