Senior Software Engineer | Chroma Technology Corp


Posted: 10-Mar-23

Location: Bellows Falls, Vermont

Type: Full Time



Job Function:


Technical Division:

Applications of Visual Science (VA)

Applied Spectroscopy (IS)

Clinical Vision Sciences (VS)

Color (VC)

Display Technology (IT)

Environmental Sensing (IE)

Fiber Modeling and Fabrication (FF)

Fiber Optics Technology (PF)

Fundamental Laser Sciences (OF)


Holography and Diffractive Optics (FH)

Image Sensing and Pattern Recognition (IR)

Imaging Optical Design (FD)

Integrated Optics (PI)

Laser Systems (PL)

Lasers in Manufacturing (FL)

Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography (BM)

Molecular Probes and Nanobio-Optics (BP)

Nanophotonics (ON)

NonImaging Optical Design (FN)

Nonlinear Optics (OL)

Optical Biosensors (BB)

Optical Communications (PC)

Optical Cooling and Trapping (OT)

Optical Fabrication & Testing (FM)

Optical Material Studies (OM)

Optical Metrology (OR)

Optical Trapping and Manipulation in Molecular and Cellular Biology (BT)

Optics for Energy (PS)

Optics in Digital Systems (ID)

Optoelectronics (PO)

Photonic Detection (PD)

Photonic Metamaterials (OP)

Polarization (FP)

Quantum Computing and Communication (OC)

Quantum Optical Science and Technology (OQ)

Short Wavelength Sources and Attosecond/High Field Physics (OH)

Systems and Instrumentation (FS)

Therapeutic Laser Applications (BA)

Thin Films (FT)

Tissue Imaging and Spectroscopy (BS)

Ultrafast Optical Phenomena (OU)

Vision (VV)

X-Ray and Extreme UV Optics (FX)

Years of Experience:


Required Education:

4 Year Degree

Additional Information:

2 openings available.

Apply Here: